Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Last exercise/Project before our final clients, competitions and Finals

Applying our knowledge with the Bumper Sticker!

Using Illustrator, and Illustrator Only, make a one-of-a-kind original bumper sticker!
Use what you know and have learned to create a 10" wide 3" tall template and then customize it in Illustrator. The design and the contents are up to you, just make sure it is school appropriate. This is your design, so own it - Your sports nickname, team name, saying/slogan, a favorite saying or motto, political view, funny quote, etc. etc.

Size: 3"x10" CMYK
Use text, Symbols, Illustrator made clip-art, etc.
Must be a Vector Image and less than 20MB in size
Save as two different formats: a GIF and a JPG file type.
Drop into Chandler, P2 Hand-In folder.

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