Monday, May 23, 2016

Final Portfolio

You will be compiling TEN different images (minimum) using Powerpoint to display/present your portfolio/class work. These images will be based upon the work we've done in class or a common theme.

If you're doing a theme, it is is up to you! Making sure it is school appropriate, you will use Illustrator and Photoshop to present a themed presentation using Powerpoint. In the past, students have done themes based on:

- What they have learned in this class - the different tools, methods and software used in graphic design.
- An aspect or job within the Commercial Art world - A job or career that provides information such as the amount of school required, benefits, pros and cons, job outlook, salary, sources provided.
- An art movement. Surrealism, Modern Art, Impressionism, etc.
- The student's personal art - Their photography, drawings, craft, etc., they make a compilation based on their own personal art work, providing their methods, skills, what they are drawn to.etc.
- What is your idea/theme?

Your Final Project for the class is worth 30% of your grade, so you want to do an amazing job!


- A minimum of 10 finished images, you will submit a .ppt file that will include your eight images and the project as a whole, your desktop, poster and logo MUST be included!

-Create a folder named your last name.
-Submit your desktop in the folder along with the powerpoint.

The folder will be submitted in D Chandler dropbox and is Due on Wednesday, 02/24/2016,

- Images must "represent" your theme.
- Images must be unique and your own work, think about copyright!
- Images must be Clean, Crisp, and Completed.

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