Tuesday, May 14, 2013

T-shirt Design

Combining the Awesomeness of PS and AI, create an original tee, parameters are below:

Start by doing some research: Who is your audience?  What kind of tee would be likely to sell?  What is considered copywright infringement?

Start by going to: http://www.threadless.com/

Turn-in Requirements:

Step 1. Save the T-shirt Template Design to your profile (My Documents/My Pictures) as an .ai, .psd, or .gif file...or all three. Keep your original layers/work intact, in Illustrator it is best to save for web and devices, and then choose the file type.

Step 2. Turn in to the hand-in folder, D. Chandler, the Template saved as a .jpg at 72ppi and your name.

You can show both the front and back of your tee if you’d like, as well as a few different color schemes (Multiple submissions.)


STEP 3: Create your thumbnail

Your thumbnail doesn’t have to be your entire design, a small piece of it works fine.

This is what people will click on when they want to vote on your design.

Your thumbnail must be a .gif and under 10kb. Using the “save for web” option in

your graphics program to save your thumbnail is definitely recommended.


What makes a good tee?


Here are some things to consider when designing a tee:


Is this something that the Threadless audience would like? (Check out designs


that are for sale in the catalog to see what’s popular.)


Is my design executed technically well?


Is my concept clear?


Has a similar design been done before? If so, how have I improved on the concept


or execution?

Have I listened to critiques and feedback given to me to improve my design?


Is my presentation well done? Is the image saved in a high quality format?


Have I followed the rules for submitting and have created something that is

physically printable?

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