Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Photo Shoot and the Finishing Touches!

Welcome back from Spring Break!  We have Monday and Tuesday to get these shoes 100% ready to submit!  The job of course is up to you.  We took some awesome photos, you guys designed and created some awesome shoes, now for the final touches:

Take the photos of the pair of shoes your group was working on.  Divide up the pics amongst your group by clicking on your shoe image on the blog and enabling flash and the picture numbers at the bottom, ie: Sloan, you do pics #4, 5, 6, Edlund, you take #11, 12 and two group pics...

Remember the essentials: Unsharp Mask, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation - We want to represent our shoes in the best possible way, and Photoshop is here to help!  By the end of class Tuesday, everyone will have submitted as JPEGS, their optimal shoe designs!

A couple of more things to think about:

We have the group shoe photos:  Divide those up amongst your group as well, we'll have some overlap, but that's okay, on Wednesday we'll vote for the best shoe pic to submit to Vans.

Maybe use Illustrator and/or : Add some words, background to the shoes (ie: Category of shoe...) a list of the steps involved in creating and painting/designing the shoes, the design background that we worked on with the actual shoes in front, etc.  What do you think?


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