Monday, December 13, 2010

Creating Sign for CA1 class

Use Adobe Illustrator  and/or Photoshop to create signs for Commercial Art I's road scene!  The scene is a snowman hitchhiking in the middle of the desert, so use your imagination - What does the sign look like, what does it say?  Are their posted road signs, or is the sign the snowman's, asking for a road.  Think about using different brushes or paint splatters to make them look dirty, give it texture, make the signs look more realistic.  Size should be about 8 x 10" and 72 ppi. Do two different signs, they will be due Thursday.  Example of CA1 assignment below:

Friday, December 3, 2010

Composition and Design!

Using the Rule of Thirds, lines, diagonals, etc., create an image where the original has been altered to make it more interseting and/or shows movement.  The size is 8"x10" at least 180 ppi, no more than 300.  Use at least two images to complete the assignment.  Things to think about:  Using the two (or more ) images to combine in to one by "cutting away" one image to let the other show through... Changing the hue, saturation, or use filters to change the appearance, such as adding color to a gray sky, or inserting "noise" into a plain image.

Remember, Unsharp mask and crisp, clean, non-pixelated images are a must.  Always size down instead of up, whenever possible.

Projects Due at start of class on Friday: Two projects total are due.  Each project should have at least two images within them.  We will review the projects, grade, and post them on Friday.

Good Luck!